• Hi Guest Just in case you were not aware I wanted to highlight that you can now get a free 7 day trial of Horseracebase here.
    We have a lot of members who are existing users of Horseracebase so help is always available if needed, as well as dedicated section of the fourm here.
    Best Wishes

A return to winning ways

130 Sandown take on the fav who might get away with drop in trip but I'll chance 3 in a cfc

Time for wine , swing out sister and cardaw lily

Small ew on stylish grace ew 50s
Ew lucky 31 and singles rest of Newcastle

710 finisher ew 13/2
740 high sails ew 11/1
810 echo ew 12s
840 luath ew 15/2
910 express lady 4s
ew lucky 63 and win singles

530 D haqeeba 6s
630 d eadoins pet 7s
700 d streisand 11/2
545 n moobhoj 7/4
615 n angel in the snow 6s
645 n losing my religion 4s
ew lucky 63 and singles

640 logi 5s
710 the love doctor 7s
740 staunch 9/4
810 fleeting visit 7/2
840 captain swift 9s
910 showdance kid 15/2