I watched the first and last game on Sky last night, this morning.
As someone mentioned, above, I agree, there will indeed be some interesting results this season. There has been no preseason to speak of, so no basis to form, an informed opinion.
I played varsity high school football when I attended an American military school, so have a vague idea of the basics. I follow the college games and keep an eye on the CFL. The CFL won't play this year, as they normally play in the summer. All the CFL players have an opt out clause out of their contracts. The NFL teams have had the chance to snap up CFL players!
During the lock down, I watched the draft. More than a few trades didn't make any sense to me. Couple that with, many, NFL players opting out of the season entirely. So, I believe, we may be seeing some new stars in the NFL this season.
I think we are in for a very interesting season.