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Politics ........... as a sporting interest.


I read a story yesterday about a well groomed elderly gentleman walking into a Ladbrokes in London and sticking 30 grand on a conservative government @ 7/1. Sounds like the usual bookie ramping bollocks to get mugs to steam in and lower the price ............... however, then I read another article about how the two safest betting markets for odds indicating the winner were politics and reality tv shite. The reason being people normally bet for the person they are voting for (talking about the great unwashed here and not the sharks).
With this in mind I spent most of the night researching the various political parties and read numerous polls etc. I was amazed to find just how sensitive the betting market is to what happens in these debates and in particular what the politicians say. Last night we saw that Ginger dimlow with the smackable face, Danny Alexander, tell the press that the lib dems did not want another coalition with the conservatives. In the past few weeks we have seen Ed Milliband , pretty much write himself and the Labour party out of Scottish politics for generations to come. So I decided to place a bet ....... two bets in fact.

Conservative minority government 7.6 £150
Conservative Lib dem coalition 6.4 £150

Here is my reasoning:

Labour cannot win can they ? They have written off Scotland, a traditional Labour strong hold. And then there is Ed Milliband , imagine that gurning twat sitting opposite someone like like Putin during crisis talks !!! he will get a sock full of pool balls wrapped around his head ! If his brother was at the Helm I would be lumping on , but he isn't .People are very much interested in the personality of those involved and Ed just doesn't cut it , he is a weird looking detached intellectual who cannot eat a sandwich . The polls and the experts who are looking at POLICY and actual COMPETENCE have missed the point in my opinion, they are basing there predication's on everything but Milliband. Also , as we all know, big business runs the establishment and they have already nailed their colours to the mast with conservatives.

Conservatives have sort of saved the economy, in a round about kind of way, that I admit involves penalizing average Joe and still ensuring their pals in the city only have to pay minimal tax. Cameron is a fat cheeked , condescending , privileged buffoon who has probably never got over taking it up the 'wrong un' whilst 'fagging' at Eton. But he does have a certain gravitas when it comes to talking about serious things, like the economy and Trident and of course he seems to be able to eat a sandwich . Also they have more seats and are predicted to take a few losses but should still have enough.

Lib dems are an embarrassment to their own principles and edicts. Clegg has literally sold his soul to the devil for a taste of power. Instead he has been opening branches of pound saver in South Wales whilst Cameron has been holidaying with Saudi princes. Fortunately for him the lib dems are A) Not Scottish and B) Have not got Ed milliband steering the ship .

The rest of the shower of leaders have not got a snowballs chance and they know it. Wee Jimmy Krankie is clearly furious that Ed would rather see conservatives in power than do a deal with her and the SNP and I'm sure that men of a particular age, with union jacks in their back garden who still hark back to the days of the empire when women were not allowed in pubs , will be cheering at any UKIP gain. But lets face it , its between the big two.
Tories to keep the books balanced, and ukip to sort immigration, could be a good match up that one...
It's an interesting one. I'm a confirmed Tory. Always have been, always will be so bear that in mind when reading what follows.

Six months ago UKIP were on the crest of a wave and had an election been held then I suspect there would have been a few current front benchers packing their bags. However the closer we get to polling day, the more their groundswell of support falls away unhelped I suspect by a lack of depth in both their party, and their manifesto. They have come from nowhere almost on the Europe/Immigration topic while the rest of what they stand for is almost unheard of, or unkindly perhaps, uncared about. If they are serious about being taken seriously then they need to have the long game in mind and realise it could take them 20 years to get to where they want to be. A large proportion of the total votes cast, and a handful of MPs would be a decent result for them , but if they can be the second party(in terms of votes) in a lot of constituencies then that should be considered a real success. Unfortunately good old Nigel "Real Ale" Farage reminds too much of Sid the Sloth from Ice Age to ever be taken seriously.

i find it hard to take the Labour Party seriously until they take themselves seriously. I accept with the way politics works it will always be the case, but many of those with a view on coming into positions of authority should they be elected were directly or indirectly involved in the debacle that saw them crash out of power and take the economy with them. Particularly galling as they claimed to have eliminated "Boom and Bust" economics. Their leader(at the time) misled the country and the world in taking our armed forces into other countries. Whether it was the right thing to do is a moral issue that rarely gets considered in Westminster. Their cosyness to the Unions can never be a good thing. Unions still have their place in the modern world, but times have changed. Unions need to work "for" the worker, not "against" the power. There is a difference. And of course the thing everybody focus' on now is Ed. Much has been written on his (in)ability to eat a sandwich without looking like the world gurning champion, but the question we all want answering is how far will he be prepared to go to get power? I would suggest that seeing as how he sold his brother down the river to get where he is now, his words should be taken lightly when he protests about the things he's "ruling out".

And then there's the Tories. Not everyone's cup of tea and I can understand why. As much as they try to be the man in the street they simply aren't. As much as they protest about the hardships of the modern world, the reality is that many of them are posh boys brought up in a posh boys way(take that how you want to!). BUT, this time round they do have some things going for them. The economy is in recovering. It is outperforming the rest of Europe., and while they haven't kept their promises on immigration we shouldn't forget who opened the doors in the first place. The bounce factor is in their favour too. The current incumbent usually performs fairly badly in the months before an election as people protest and make their views known about the negative. The closer polling day gets, people realise that change is not always good and that usually reflects healthier on the party already holding the power(assuming of course that they haven't buggered things up already)".

I think the Conservatives will win the most seats but much depends on how many seats the Lib Dems come out of the election with. They have been almost overlooked thus far and are seen as a busted flush in many parts. While undoubtedly they are going to lose a good many votes will they retain enough seats to prop up a Tory/Lib Dem coalition? Will Ed Milliband sell his other testicle to the devil and enter a Labour/SNP coalition? The most interesting looking double act since Janette Tough told her husband she was going to dress up In her school uniform and sit on his knee but he had to call her Jimmy Krankie in public. If he entered a coalition with the SNP all his credibility goes out of the window after his protestations. So the bet, well I just don't see Labour being in power. I think the closer the day comes the more the difference between Ed Milliband and David Cameron will become apparent and that will swing it. Conservative Minority at 5/1 Skybet. And while not being in the same league as some of you guys for staking, I have put a score down to put my money where my mouth is as it were.

*Simply my views and I don't expect all/or even many to agree with them. I will not enter any political argument so I respect people's rights to debunk my points of view with their own.
Fair play to you Sigsster. As a northern monkey I can and will not ever vote conservative ........... however I am looking at this purely from a betting point of view and analyzing it all as I would a race or a football game.

Labour are now on the drift slightly and my two bets are coming in if I wanted I could now trade out for the heady sum of 12.38
Where I live gets quite a bit of negative press wolber wolber being from the heady heights of Boston. UKIP is tipped to do quite well locally and I know a few people who work for and have been elected for them at a local level. We've recently had a bit of press coverage in various papers because of the huge migrant population locally. Unfortunately people still struggle with the fact that they are here legally and tend to tar them all with the same brush. The BNP were, for a while interested in the seats around these parts as were the EDL morons. Indeed I witnessed first hand the riots locally in 2004 with police cars being torched and shops looted. This is far from the Tory stronghold it used to be.
I could now trade out for the heady sum of 12.38

Which is still a far greater rate of interest than youd have go in the eighties, back in the day when the pilockital parties got tagged as 'posh' or 'unionist'
I shall be voting for the party who will leave the most dosh in my back pocket
That would be the green party then djb38. I think their plan is to scrap nuclear weapons and give everyone in the uk £500 ... then build a massive hedge around the coast line to protect us.

Sigster, Boston is a hotbed of EDL and BNP ? sounds like UKB*T . One cannot escape from the fact that people are fed up with immigration in certain areas and Farage is playing on that , he is clever in his rantings though because he only really targets White Christian immigrants . He is insane if he thinks Britain will survive out of the EU though we are not the center of the world anymore ! ...... and he looks like a frog with love beads in him.
You have done your homework wolber.
Maybe i got that bit wrong then about leaving the most dosh in the sky rocket. Green has not been the colour of anybody's money in this country for a long time now, unless you enjoy the odd game of monopoly
Not getting very involved but will have a small bet on a minority tory government milly bland and wee Jimmy krankie have scuppered labour the lib dems sold their soul to the devil so posh boy dave wins
Labour drifting . Con/libdem coming right in. Cameron was up in my manor today, he looked utterly bewildered..... Like he had just stepped out of a deloreon.