Hi all, just back from burying my father who was 83 years young, he was the real reason why I had an interest in Horse racing, his motto was "bet low win high" and the many who knew him, would tell you he did very well for himself, he would follow certain trainers that he knew would fire in big priced horses and some how trap them in doubles and trebles, he was very astute at following the quieter smaller trainers and jumping on them when they were favourable, it was a tool for survival , not to be super rich, I am told it was something he picked up from his dad.
I did mention VDW to my Dad and he would occasionally ask how I was getting on, although I would not go into great details with him, because it can bore the hell out of some people, the thought of his eyes glazing over was enough for me to hold back, although I asked him to read the books and tell me what his thoughts were on it,later he said, it sounds too good to be true, but he did say that the person writing certainly had a good understanding of racing, which was a good confirmation, with a wry smile , he said good luck.
Back in the virtual world......
It funny when you spend some time away from the forum life, you still see the same old rubbish about VDW being spouted about.
'Weight' is a fundamental integral part of racing, I can imagine Admiral Rous laughing his head off at those who think otherwise, so why would you not believe it has no place in VDW's method, which is based around 'FORM' & 'CLASS', to believe that weight has no bearing on the form of a racehorse is ludicrous, but you know, I have spent too much time worrying about what these plonkers are saying and more fool those who adhere to what is being conveyed.
You could understand if there was little or no reference to weight in the VDW books, but there is dozens of references to weight and more?, so I suggest if you believe it is not important, good luck with that.
For those who are interested, the two methods of rating as mentioned in 'Narrow The Field To Gain The Winning Strip' they are not the 2 sets of rating in the letters 'SPEED IS NO USE WITHOUT FORM' or 'VDW SPELLS IT ALL OUT' ,VDW tells us this when he mentions there are rating and ratings, two different things, VDW then proceeds to give us the first method of rating it does not take a brain surgeon to work out the other, but you need to read and understand how to use them.
Good luck.